Dissertation Eleventh.
IT is very probable, says Pradus, that as there were twenty-four rulers, and as many regions into which Jerusalem was divided, and a chief over them all, so the magistracy of the city is here brought before us. He recognizes the analogy to the twenty-four elders in the Apocalypse. But there seems to be no authority for this division of the city into twenty-four "regions" or wards. See on this point Jahn Bibl. Arch., part 2 volume 2 section 187. The conduct of these evil counselors is well portrayed by Theodoret. Some commentators take this third verse as a question, so do the Arabic and Syriac versions, "Is it. not near?" but Calvin's view is the best, and he is supported by good authorities. Jarcin understands the prophetic denunciations to be intended, "ina mala de quibus prophetic vaticinantur nec in propinqua est poena." The death of Pelatiah (in Ezekiel 11:13,) as well as the 12th verse, (Ezekiel 11:12) are omitted in the Roman and Alexandrian codexes; and in the Arabic version of the London and Paris Polyglotts. See Wakon's Proleg. 14:21. There are some minor variations in the readings of Theodoret, the Complutensian edition, and the Syriac version. From the concluding verses of the chapter, the old commentators understand that the prophets were not bodily transferred to either Jerusalem or Chaldeea. The whole scene is called an "ecstasy." The Spirit of God acting on that of the Prophet, and enduing him with this celestial eye sight.
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