22. For which cause also I have been much hindered from coming to you. | 22. Itaque impeditus etiam saepius fui quominus venirem ad vos: |
23. But now having no more place in these parts, and having a great desire these many years to come unto you; | 23. Nunc vero nullum amplius locum habens in his regionibus, desiderium autem habens a multis annis veniendi ad vos; |
24. Whensoever I take my journey into Spain, I will come to you: for I trust to see you in my journey, and to be brought on my way thither-ward by you, if first I be somewhat filled with your company. | 24. Si quando in Hispaniam proficiscar, veniam ad vos: 1 spero enim fore ut istac iter faciens videam vos, et illuc a vobis deducar, si tamen prius ex parte vestra consuetudine fuero expletus. |
From this passage is drawn a weak argument respecting his going to Spain. It does not indeed immediately follow that he performed this journey, because he intended it: for he speaks only of hope, in which he, as other faithful men, might have been sometimes frustrated. 2
By saying, to
1 This clause, and
24. "Whenever I go into Spain, I hope, in passing through, to see you, and to be by you sent there, when I shall first be in a measure refreshed by you;" or, literally, "filled with you;" or it may be rendered, "satisfied with you."
The Vulgate renders the words, "Si vobis primum ex parte fruitus fuero -- when I shall first in part enjoy you, i.e., your society. Stuart's version is, "When I am in part first satisfied with your company." The expression, "in part," seems to imply that his stay would not be long. -- Ed.
2 On this subject Wolfius says, "Paul's journey to Spain we unknown to Origen and Eusebius; nor does it comport with the records connected with him. The Apostle, when freed from the chains of Nero, did not go to Spain, but to Asia; and there is no vestige of a Church founded by Paul in Spain. Basnage has carefully examined this subject as well as W. Wall in his critical Notes in English on the New Testament." As is common in many things connected with antiquity, fathers later than Origen and Eusebius came to know of this journey, but how, it is not easy to know: and in process of time various particulars were discovered, or rather invented, in connection with this journey. It is something similar to the story of Peter being the founder of the Church of Rome. -- Ed.
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