Lesson 24
The purpose of our worship is to glorify God. Our worship to God
is very important. If we expect to please God, so we can go to heaven when this
life is over, we "must worship Him in spirit and in truth."
Worship requires that we be an active participant and not a spectator. We must
not pervert the worship of God by our being entertained by choirs, concerts, and
other entertainment groups.
Our worship is to be holy and sacred, because it is God we are suppose to be
worshipping. We must approach God with humility and godly fear in showing Him
reverence and respect by worshipping Him in the way He has specified in the
Bible. To worship God the way we see fit is disrespectful to Him. Anything God
has specified for us to do that we leave out is displeasing to Him, and anything
we add that he has not authorized is also displeasing to Him. It is quite
evident that many people are trying to worship God after the will of men. When
you look around, you can see the many different things done in the worship of
many differing churches which are not in accordance with God’s will. They are
following the commandments of men. As we see in Mark 7:7 our Lord said,
"And in vain they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of
men." It is sad when people allow their worship to become vain.
Today there are over 400 different denominations with many different plans of
salvation, practicing different kinds of worship, teaching different doctrines,
and wearing different names which are unheard of and unknown in the Bible. Is
this what God wants? A denomination must have a man made creed, confession of
faith, manual, discipline, catechism, and such like in order to exist. Each
conflicting doctrine, which each denomination has produced, contradicts the
scriptures. If people would follow what the Bible says, and only what the
Bible says, then there would only be one church, the church of Christ.
We have also seen that we must worship and only serve God, and not some idol or
icon. God has commanded women not to teach or take a leading role over men in
the church. We must regularly attend worship of the church; and the way we dress
must be modest.
In our worship we offer prayers to God. We have seen that God only hears
those who are obedient to His will. Our giving is an indication of our love for
God. We are not to give to be seen of men.
We are to remember our Lord’s death in partaking of the
Lord's Supper every first day of the week as the
church in the first century did. When we partake of the Lord’s Supper every
first day of the week, we not only remember the great sacrifice the Lord made
for us, but we proclaim the Lord’s death to the world until He comes again.
As we worship in spirit and in truth, we are to sing praises to God. We are
to do the singing ourselves and not have a choir to sing to us. God has only
authorized singing. Man has perverted the worship of God by adding mechanical instruments of music, because man likes
When God’s word is preached, God is glorified. Only God’s will must be
preached. If one is preaching man’s will, he is preaching a perverted gospel.
The Bible must be the final and only source of spiritual authority for all that
we teach and practice.
The Lord is to be worshipped and glorified in His one church, the one He
built and purchased with His own blood. He is the saviour of only His one church.
People are laboring in vain if they are not in that one church.
Only saved people are in the Lord’s
church. We are saved only after we have done the will of God and not
man’s will. A more complete discussion of what we must do to be saved
entitled "Are You Really Sure Of Your Eternal Salvation?"
can be found at http://m.biblestudyguide.org/interactivebiblelessons/index.htm.
God must be worshipped in His church only as He has specified otherwise it
will be vain and useless. The Lord has specified that each congregation of His church is to be
overseen by a group of elders, who meet His qualifications. Are you worshipping
in the church of Christ, the one He bought with His own blood? Please don’t wait
until the Day of Judgment to find out how wrong you are. Don’t allow someone
to cheat you of your reward in heaven.
Please think seriously about the things pointed out in this writing,
particularly the scriptures which have been quoted. Do not allow anyone or
anything to cause you to vainly worship God by participating in worship that
follows the commandments of men instead of God. If our worship to God is vain we
will loose our souls. We will not be able to go to heaven, but we will have to
spend forever and ever in eternal punishment. I wonder if many people really
believe there is going to be an eternal punishment in the fires of Hell.
But as the Bible says in Hebrews 9:27, "It is appointed unto men once to
die, but after this the judgment." We will all stand before the Lord on the
Day of Judgment and give an answer as to how we have obeyed Him. But on that
day, as we are told in Matthew 7:13-14, only few will be saved and the majority
of people will be lost. Such a tragedy!
Our Lord says in Matthew 6:33, "But seek first the kingdom of God and
His righteousness." Going to heaven has got to be our first priority in our
life or we probably will not make it. We will not accidentally end up in
Heaven. Heaven is too great and glorious to miss.
It will be beyond our greatest expectations. There is no way to visualize how
wonderful it will be. Don’t you want to go there? Please don’t miss it. If
we miss heaven the only other place for us is eternal punishment, which is
horrible and beyond description.
Deuteronomy 10:12-13 sums up everything quite well, "What does the Lord
your God require of you, but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all
His ways and to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart
and with all your soul, and to keep the commands of the Lord and His
statues." This is what God requires of us, both in our obedience and
worship of Him. We must worship God in spirit and in truth, if we
really want to go to heaven.
This has been written because I deeply
care for your soul. If there is any thing that I can do to help you
to become a Christian and to help you locate a congregation of the Lord’s
church in your area that worships God "in spirit and in truth"
please let me know by E-mail Ron Boatwright at
If you have a comment about this web site or if you have bible questions
that you would like a Bible answer, please also let me know by E-mail.
For more information regarding the Lord's
Church, see The
Lord's Church.
Questions Lesson 24
(click on the button of the answer of your
Is the purpose of your worship to
glorify God?
Do you give your best to God in worship?
Is all the worship of the church where you attend in accordance with God’s
will as expressed in the Bible?
Does the name of your church where you attend give glory only to God and
Christ and does not glorify the names of men such as John the Baptist, Martin
Luther, the Day of Pentecost, Rome, Nazareth, etc.
Do only men take a leading role in the worship of the church where you
Do you faithfully attend the worship services of your congregation?
Do you pray to God regularly?
Do you give cheerfully as you have been prospered every first day of the
Do you partake of the Lord’s Supper every first day of the week?
Do you sing in worship?
Does the church where you attend have a choir that sings for you during the
worship service?
Does the church where you attend use mechanical instruments of music in
the worship service?
Are you worshipping God in spirit and in truth?
Are you worshipping God in the one and only church the Lord established?
Is the congregation of the church where you attend overseen by a plurality
of elders?
Have you been baptized (immersed) for the forgiveness of your sins so you
can be saved?
Has the Lord added you to His one church?
Are you really sure you are ready to stand before the Lord in judgment?
If you were to die today do you know for sure without a doubt that you would
go to heaven?
Lesson 23
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