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Home Children's Bible Stories

Moses at the Burning Bush
(Exodus 3:3-4:17)

Moses was in Horeb and saw a burning bush that did not burn up. So he walked toward the bush to see it up close.

God saw that Moses was starting to come near the bush. God told him not to get too close and to take off his shoes because it was holy ground.

Then God told Moses that he had seen Israel's tough time in Egypt and had heard their cries. God said that He had come to deliver Israel from the Egyptians. God told Moses that he would send him to Pharaoh to bring His people out of Israel.

Moses was worried that he was not able to bring Israel out of Egypt. God told Him not to worry because He would be with him.

And Moses was worried that Israel would want to know God's name. God said: "I AM WHO I AM." Moses was to tell them: "I AM has sent me to you."

Then Moses was worried that the people would not believe him. So God gave him three miracles to perform so that they would believe. First his rod would turn into a serpent and then back to a rod. Second, his hand would turn white and then back to normal. And third, water from the river would turn into blood.

Then Moses was worried because he was not a good speaker. God told him that He would teach him what to say. And God gave him Aaron, his brother, to be his spokesman.


1. Did the burning bush burn up?

2. Why did Moses have to take off his shoes?

3. Moses was worried about bringing Israel out of Egypt. Was God going to be with him?

4. Is God with us?

5. Was Moses worried that the people would not believe?

6. Should we believe God?

7. Was Moses worried about being a good speaker?

8. Should we worry about telling other people about God?