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Apologetics, & Archaeology

Christian Courier
Does God Exist? This journal is a part of a program of service titled Does God Exist? The purpose of the program is to provide thinking, seeking people with scientific evidence that God does exist and that the Bible is His Word. It is our conviction that all men can logically, intelligently, and rationally believe in God.
Dr. Don R. Patton Video Lectures dealing with numerous topics on evolution ranging from text book fraud to the scientific age of the earth.

Lord I Believe

Leadership University, very good search engine. Type in a word such as "evolution" and get great results.

Origins, Christian views of science and earth history.

Reason's To Believe

Scientific Photo Gallery with apologetic commentary.



The Jerusalem Archaeological Park

The Jerusalem Mosaic, photos and a virtual tour of Jerusalem.

The Temple Mount in Jerusalem, dedicated to locating the temple site.

The Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Ritmeyer Archaeology Design.

Archeological Sites in Israel on the Israeli government's official web site including commentary and photos.

Inscriptions from the Land of Israel seeks to collect and make available all the inscriptions from the Land of Israel that date from the Hellenistic period (c. 330 BCE) through the Persian conquest (614 C.E.).

Ashkelon Excavations, Leon Levy Expedition, commentary with photos.

The Bethsaida Excavations Project

USD Excavation at Caesarea

Combined Caesarea Expeditions, an amphibious research project that joins excavation of the terrestrial remains of Caesarea Maritima with underwater investigation of the site's ancient harbor. Includes underwater photos.

Capharnaum - the town of Jesus, with interactive photos.

Tel Dan Inscriptions with description and maps of Tel Dan with photos.

Tel Dor Archaeological Expedition

The Dothan Publication Project, full publication of Dr. Joseph Free's excavation of Tell Dothan including photos.

Archaeological Museum at Ein Dor, includes photos of exhibitions.

Hazor Excavations with picture gallery.

Hebron, news, pictures and archeological excavations at Tel Hebron.

Institute of Archaeology at Tel-Aviv University, several current projects and expeditions including Megiddo and Ancient Jaffa (Joppa).

The Tell en-Nasbeh Research Project, Biblical Mizpah of Benjamin.

Egypt (The Sinai) Photo Gallery

The Archaeology of Egypt and Canaan in Ancient Times, home page for the Brandeis University on-line course, Archaeology of Egypt and Canaan in Ancient Times (Fall Semester, TF 3:00-4:30).

Guardian's Egypt excellent information and photos.

The Ancient City of Athens, photographic archive of the archaeological and architectural remains of ancient Athens (Greece).

The Corinth Computer Project, reconstructing the city plan and landscape of Roman Corinth.

The Ohio State University Excavations at Isthmia , includes numerous photos.

Hellenic Culture, excavation of Grecian sites with great photos.

New Testament Maps and Artifacts

Prefecture of Thessaloniki (Thessalonica), site map with corresponding commentary accompanied with photos.

Italy Photo Gallery

Rome, great photos and commentary.

The Christian Catacombs of Rome, historical documentation and incredible photos. If the U.S. mirror site is busy, try the Main Site.

Jordan Photo Gallery

Swedish Jordan Expedition, excellent information with photos.

American Expedition to Petra , good information and photos of Petra.

The Decapolis, southeast of the Sea of Galilee. Good photos.

Franciscan Archaeological Insitute - Jordan, Baptism of John, Mount Nebo, Madaba, and more. Good photos.

Ancient Cities of Anatolia, excellent information illustrated with very good photos on Ephesus, Miletus, and more.

Noah's Ark, dedicated to the search of Noah's Ark.

Classical Atlas Project, exceptionally broad appeal to everyone worldwide with an interest in ancient Greeks and Romans, the lands they penetrated, and the peoples and cultures they encountered in Europe, North Africa and Western Asia.

K. C. Hanson's HomePage, numerous photo galleries.