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Sprinkling, Pouring
Bible study on sprinkling and pouring.


Affusion (pouring water) began to be substituted for baptism in A.D. 251. After that time, sprinkling and pouring were erroneously practiced and called "sick" or "clinical" baptism because it was administered to people who were sick. In A.D. 1331, at the Council of Ravenna, sprinkling was officially recognized as a substitute for immersion by the Catholic Church. Today, many religious denominations adhere to the false doctrine of sprinkling (pouring) as a substitute for baptism.

Matt. 28:18-19; Mk. 16:15-16; Acts 2:38; 1 Pet. 3:21

We must be baptized to be saved.

"Baptize" means to dip or immerse. Baptism consists of the processes of immersion, submersion, and emergence.

Acts 8:38-39

When the eunuch was baptized, both he and Philip went down into the water before being baptized. And after being baptized, they both came up out of the water.

Since baptism is immersion in water, it was necessary for them both to go down into the water. If the eunuch had been sprinkled instead of baptized, neither of them would have needed to be inconvenienced by going down into the water