False Doctrine:
Calvin's Doctrines of
Unconditional Election (Predestination)
Bible study on
Calvinism: unconditional election, predestination.
Calvin's doctrine of unconditional election (predestination) contends
that God has predestined some people to be saved and some people
to be lost. This doctrine maintains that man does not have a free
Calvin taught that God did not elect (predestine) people by just
looking into the future to see who would and would not obey. Calvin
taught that God literally elected some people to be saved and allows
everyone else to be lost. Commenting on Matt. 11:25-26, Calvin said,
"This verse is impressive in two respects. The fact that not all
receive the gospel is not due to the impotence of God, who could
readily make all creatures submit to his empire. Secondly, that
some arrive at faith, while others remain stupefied and obstinate,
is due to his free election. He draws some to himself and passes
others by; and in so doing, he himself distinguishes among men,
whose situation by nature is the same" (Calvin
Commentary VII: Election and Predestination).
1 Tim. 2:4 |
God desire all men to be saved. Therefore,
He has not predestined any men to be lost.
2 Pet. 3:9 |
God does not wish for anyone to perish
(cf. Ezek. 18:23). Therefore, He has not predestined anyone to perish.
Heb. 10:26
Man has a free will. We can either obey or disobey God.
Christians can sin willfully. "Willfully" means means
voluntarily, of free will (cf. 1 Pet. 5:2; Ph'm. 14).
Christians have a free will. God has not predetermined who will
be saved and who will be lost taking away man's free will in respect
to sin. Each person must work out his own salvation with fear and
trembling (Phil. 2:12).
Christians are not predestined to salvation. They can fall from
grace (Ga. 5:4; Heb. 12:15).
Abraham illustrates that we have a free will by the fact that God
tested Him (Heb. 11:17; cf. Gen. 22:1). The fact that Christians
are tested connotes that Christians have a free will (Jas. 1:2-3;
1 Pet. 1:7; 4:12; Rev. 2:10; 3:10).
God's command to Jeroboam illustrates the fact that we have a free
will (1 Ki. 11:37-38). It was Jeroboam's decision whether to listen
to all God commanded - to walk in His ways, to do what is right
in His sight by observing His statutes and His commandments.
Eph. 1:3-6 |
God has predestined (predetermined) that the people who are in
Christ will be adopted as sons (cf. Rom. 8:1-25; Gal. 3:26-4:7).
We enter into Christ when baptized (Rom. 6:3; 1 Cor. 12:13; Gal.
3:27) and are saved (Mk. 16:16; 1 Pet. 3:21). People who have been
baptized into Christ (Rom. 6:3) are adopted as sons (Rom. 8:1-17;
Gal. 3:26-4:7).
Ezek. 18:20-28;
cf. 2 Ki. 14:6
The person who sins will die. The person who turns from sin will
live. God is a fair and just God because He neither makes us obey
nor disobey.
God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked (Ezek. 18:23; cf.
2 Pet. 3:9). Therefore, God has not predestined anyone to hell.
Matt. 18:11
Jesus came to save the lost, not the predestined.
Jesus' blood atones for the sins of everyone who obeys Him (Heb.