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Allan McNabb:
Textual Bible Studies
Class Books (PDF)
New Testament |
The Fourfold Gospel Workbook Edition (Matthew,
Mark, Luke, John). By Allan McNabb.
This series of workbooks is based on The Fourfold Gospel
by J.W. McGarvey and Philip Y. Pendleton. Each lesson contains
McGarvey's title and harmonized Scriptures along with study questions
for personal study and class discussion. The questions in this
series are identical to the questions in The Fourfold Gospel Complete
Edition (see below).
- Parts:
I, II, III: Introductions to First Passover.
- Part
IV: From First to Second Passover.
- Part
V: From Second to Third Passover.
- Part
VI: From Third Passover to Bethany.
- Parts
VII, VIII: Last Week of Christ's Ministry to the End of
the Gospel Accounts.
The Fourfold Gospel Complete Edition (Matthew,
Mark, Luke, John). By Allan McNabb.
This Bible study is a series of Bible Class Books utilizing The
Fourfold Gospel by McGarvey and Pendleton. Each lesson is
broken down into three sections: 1. Bible Text, 2. Bible Text
with Commentary, 3. Study Questions. The questions in this series
are identical to the questions in The Fourfold Gospel Workbook
Edition (see above).
- Parts:
I, II, III: Introductions to First Passover. Updated
February 2002.
- Part
IV: From First to Second Passover. Updated
February 2002.
- Part
V: From Second to Third Passover. Updated
February 2002.
- Part
VI: From Third Passover to Bethany.
- Parts
VII, VIII: Last Week of Christ's Ministry to the End of
the Gospel Accounts.
nine lessons, by Allan McNabb. |