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Bible Class Books (PDF)


A Closer Walk With God, Topical Sermon Series, fourteen lessons, by Mark Copeland.

Authority, an eight lesson study of authority, by Allan McNabb. This series is essential for everyone who wishes to "do all in the name of the Lord Jesus" (Col. 3:17). Updated February 2010.

Baptism - A Special Study, Topical Sermon Series, thirteen lessons, by Mark Copeland.
Biblical Typology, thirteen lessons, by J.S. Smith.
Brotherly Love, thirteen lessons, by J.S. Smith.

Calvinism: Teacher's Edition, a thirteen lesson study, by Kevin Hall.

Can We Trust The Bible?, Topical Sermon Series, six lessons, by Mark Copeland.
Characters of the Acts of the Apostles, thirteen lessons, by J.S. Smith.
Characters of the Old Testament, thirteen lessons, by J.S. Smith.
Christian Apologetics, Topical Sermon Series, seven lessons, by Mark Copeland.

The Church, a seven lesson study of the Lord's church, by Allan McNabb. Updated 2008.

The Church Jesus Built, Topical Sermon Series, eight lessons, by Mark Copeland.

The Church of Christ, thirteen lessons, by J.S. Smith.

The Church of Christ (Volume I) and The Church of Christ (Volume II), two volume set, by Jeff Asher.
Conversions In The Book Of Acts, Topical Sermon Series, ten lessons, by Mark Copeland.

The Dark Room of Sin, by John Duvall.

Difficult Issues Taken From Today's Headlines, sixteen lessons by Matt Hennecke of This series of lessons deals with important issues for mature youth, and would not be suitable for younger children. This series is also a great resource for adults.

Elders & Deacons, four lesson Bible study in workbook form by Allan McNabb. Updated October 2001.

Exhortations From God's Word (Book I). A thirteen lesson study of various exhortations by Allan McNabb.

Equipping The Saints For Ministry, Topical Sermon Series, fourteen lessons, by Mark Copeland.
Evangelism Made Personal, Topical Sermon Series, eight lessons, by Mark Copeland.
Faith Is The Victory!, Topical Sermon Series, ten lessons, by Mark Copeland.

Family, a six lesson study on the family. By, Allan McNabb. Updated January 2006.

The Family Circle, twenty-two lessons based on material originally written by Leslie Diestelkamp that has been reformatted and updated by Al Diestelkamp of

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), thirteen lessons, by J.S. Smith.

  • Topics include: Salvation, the church, truth, instrumental music, the kingdom, miracles, tithing, Christmas, and more.
Fasting - A Special Study, Topical Sermon Series, three lessons, by Mark Copeland.

First Principles of the Oracles of God, nine in-depth lessons, by Jeff Smith.

The Flesh And The Spirit, Topical Sermon Series, seventeen lessons, by Mark Copeland.
Following Jesus Without Denominationalism, Topical Sermon Series, nine lessons, by Mark Copeland.
Geography: A Study Guide to the Holman Bible Atlas, by Allan McNabb.
God Is. . ., thirteen lessons on God's attributes and character , by Jeff Asher.
Golden Rules, thirteen lessons, by J.S. Smith.
Golden Rules II: More Golden Rules, thirteen lessons, by J.S. Smith.

The Gospel By Which We Are Saved by A.W. Goff, Wayne Goff and David Goff. Twenty-four lessons. PDF by Jeff Asher.

The Gospel Of Christ & The Problem Of Sin, Topical Sermon Series, seven lessons, by Mark Copeland.
The Gospel Of The Kingdom, Topical Sermon Series, seven lessons, by Mark Copeland.
Great Themes of Isaiah, thirteen lessons, by J.S. Smith.
Growing In The Knowledge Of Jesus Christ, Topical Sermon Series, nine lessons, by Mark Copeland.
A Harmony Of The Life Of Paul, Topical Sermon Series, thirteen lessons, by Mark Copeland.
The Holy Spirit Of God, Topical Sermon Series, thirteen lessons, by Mark Copeland.
Homosexuality - A Christian Perspective, Topical Sermon Series, seven lessons, by Mark Copeland.
Issues Of Distinction, Topical Sermon Series, seven lessons, by Mark Copeland.
I Want To Be A Soul Winner. A seven lesson study by Ronny Milliner designed to encourage every saint to be "A Soul Winner for Jesus." Downloaded from
Jesus, The Way (revised), Topical Sermon Series, seven lessons, by Mark Copeland.
Kings And Prophets, twenty-six lessons, by Rob Harbison.
Life After Death, Topical Sermon Series, twelve lessons, by Mark Copeland.
The Life and Times of Jesus, thirteen lessons, by J.S. Smith.

Let Us Unite Against Error, by John Duvall.

Living Soberly, Righteously and Godly, eight lessons by Bob Dickey, FTP format by Carey Dillinger.
Mark Your Bibles, thirteen lessons, by Edward A. Brouillette and Jeff Asher.

Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage, by Jeff Smith, four lessons on this very important topic.

  • Also, download the charts for teaching the lessons.
Men And Women of the Old Testament, Book One. Twenty-six lessons from the book of Genesis studying Adam to Judah, by Jeff Asher.
Men's Public Teaching, by J.S. Smith.
Ministering Spirits, Topical Sermon Series, six lessons, by Mark Copeland.
Moral Issues Facing The Church, thirteen lessons, by Rob Harbison.

The New Testament Church, fifty-two lessons, by Roy Cogdill.

New Testament Churches, thirteen lessons, by J.S. Smith.
New Testament Survey, by David Padfield. A brief overview of every book in the New Testament, along with charts and maps.
Our Life Together, Topical Sermon Series, a nine lesson study in Christians fellowship, by Mark Copeland.
Prayer, A Special Study, a study on various aspect of prayer, eight lessons, by Mark Copeland.

Salvation, a brief two page overview of salvation, by Allan McNabb.

The Problem Of Suffering, Topical Sermon Series, three lessons, by Mark Copeland.
Relationship Evangelism, Topical Sermon Series, six lessons, by Mark Copeland.
The Religion Of Islam, Topical Sermon Series, seven lessons, by Mark Copeland.
Resisting Satan, fourteen lessons, by Rob Harbison.
Secrets Of The Abundant Life, Topical Sermon Series, five lessons, by Mark Copeland.
Shepherds Of The Flock, Topical Sermon Series, eight lessons, by Mark Copeland.
Shining As Lights In The World, Topical Sermon Series, seven lessons, by Mark Copeland.
The Significance Of Being A Christian, Topical Sermon Series, seven lessons, by Mark Copeland.

Special Studies, thirteen lessons, by J.S. Smith.

  • Topics include: The Occult, Angles, Demons, New Testament Canon, Prayer. Fellowship, Eternity, Calvinism, Mormonism, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, Instrumental Music in Worship, Ready to Give a Defense, and Homosexuality.
Spiritual Fellowship, a study of spiritual fellowship, by John Duvall.
Spiritual Growth, Topical Sermon Series, eight lessons, by Mark Copeland.
Spiritual Beings, thirteen lessons, by Matt Hennecke of
The Spirit World, thirteen lessons, by J.S. Smith.

Surveying The Scripture, a four lesson overview of the Bible, by Jeff Smith (656K, be patient).

Survey Of The Life Of Christ, twenty-six lessons, by Jeff Asher.
The 10 Commandments Today, thirteen lessons, by J.S. Smith.
That You May Believe, Topical Sermon Series, nine lessons, by Mark Copeland.
Walking In The Spirit, thirteen lessons, by J.S. Smith.
The Way Of The Lord vs. The Doctrines Of Men, five lessons, by Jeff Smith. Also, download the charts for teaching the lessons.

What Shall We Do (Acts 2:37-38)? A study of the first principles in four lessons. Study this lesson if you are not a Christian, you are a babe in Christ, or you need to review the first principles. By Allan McNabb.

Worshipping God, twenty-five lessons, by Rob Harbison.
The Years of One's Youth, eight lessons by Jeff Smith. This series of lessons compose character studies of young people found in the Scriptures. This class book was written for high school to college age people. It could possibly be used for children as young as middle school although some of the themes in the class would be beyond their comprehension.
: Link to a document on another site.